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The Art and Skill of Fighting Fair

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship. Whether it’s between friends, family members, or romantic partners, disagreements are bound to happen. However, how we handle these conflicts can make all the difference.

In romantic relationships, in particular, it’s crucial to learn how to fight fair to avoid causing damage that can take a long time to repair. In this blog post, you’ll discover 6 powerful tips for fighting fair, explore the art of fighting fair and learn essential relation skills to resolve conflict in your relationship.

Understanding Why Fighting Fair is Important in a Relationship

Do you find yourself trapped in a relationship where the slightest disagreement can trigger an all-out war? It’s as if you’re tiptoeing through a minefield, bracing for the next explosion. Even the tiniest issue can escalate into an unmanageable fight, leaving you feeling frustrated, exhausted, and emotionally drained.

If a relationship has deteriorated to the point where everyday communication turns into combat, it can lead to a perfect storm of frustration and threaten irreparable damage to the relationship. Fighting is fair game when it comes to relationships but only when it is healthy and done fairly and respectfully.

Fighting fair is crucial as it upholds honesty and sincerity in a relationship. It provides a platform for expressing your emotions, which are always valid, and helps you release pent-up feelings. Couples who hold back from arguments tend to be avoidant, which may bring temporary relief but ultimately results in bitterness, frustration, and isolation. Avoiding conflict only exacerbates the toxicity in a relationship.

It’s ok to fight as long as it is fair and that means being respectful and mindful of your partner’s feelings during an argument. It’s important to avoid attacking your partner’s character or using hurtful language that can cause long-term damage to the relationship. Instead, focus on the issue at hand and work together to find a solution. By fighting fair, you’ll build trust and respect, which can help you overcome future conflicts. It takes practice, but fighting fair is one of the most important skills you can learn in a relationship.

Recognizing the Signs of Unhealthy Conflict

Not all conflict is created equal. There’s healthy conflict, where both parties feel heard and understood, and there’s unhealthy conflict, where the conversation devolves into a shouting match or silent treatment. Some other signs of unhealthy conflict include blaming and accusing language, yelling, defensiveness, stonewalling, aggression and attacking, bringing up past issues, using demeaning or offensive language, and as I mentioned above attacking your partner’s character.

It’s critically important to identify the warning signs of unhealthy conflict before it spirals out of control, as once words have been spoken, they cannot be unsaid. The harm caused by hurtful words can leave a lasting imprint on your partner’s heart. The moment you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take a step back and evaluate the situation. Fighting fair is an art form, but it’s one that anyone can master with practice. Let’s look at some steps for doing just that:

Step 1. Establish ground rules for conflict

For example, agree to listen to each other without interrupting, avoid personal attacks, and take a break if things get too heated. Remember that fighting fair doesn’t mean avoiding conflict altogether. It means addressing the issue respectfully and constructively.

Step 2. Recognize your own triggers and vulnerabilities.

If you know that a certain topic is likely to set you off, be proactive in managing your emotions before entering the conversation.

Step 3. Developing Relational Skills

Fighting fair requires a willingness to be vulnerable, to listen to the other person’s perspective, and to work together to find a solution that works for everyone involved. With these skills, you can turn conflict from a source of stress and tension into an opportunity for growth and deeper connection.

The Power of Active Listening in Conflict Resolution

You’re in the midst of a heated argument with your significant other, and it seems like you’re talking but no one is really listening. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and let your emotions take control. However, the power of active listening in conflict resolution cannot be understated.

Active listening is a technique that involves fully concentrating on and understanding the speaker’s message, without interrupting or judging them. By doing so, you’re able to build trust, improve communication, and ultimately resolve conflicts more effectively.

Active listening can be a game-changer in resolving conflicts. It involves more than just hearing what the other person is saying – it requires you to be fully present and engaged in the conversation.

By practicing active listening, you’re able to validate your partner’s feelings and demonstrate empathy, which can help to de-escalate tense situations. It also allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your partner’s perspective, which can help to find common ground and come up with a mutually beneficial solution.

There’s a reason we’ve got two ears and one mouth! Practice using both ears the next time you find yourself in disagreement with your partner by actively listening to what they are saying. You may be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.

Try this Coaching Tool (Reflective Listening Worksheet) to help you understand your partner at a deep level. It’s FREE and very simple to use. Get it HERE.

The Importance of Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

One of the most important aspects of any healthy relationship is taking responsibility for your actions. This means acknowledging when you have made a mistake or caused harm, and actively working to make amends.

Taking responsibility shows that you respect your partner and their feelings, and are willing to take the necessary steps to repair any damage done. It’s not always easy to admit when we’re wrong, but doing so can strengthen trust and build a deeper connection. By taking responsibility, you demonstrate that you are invested in the relationship and committed to working through challenges together.

Taking responsibility is a quality of a mature and thoughtful mind because you recognize the impact of your actions on your partner and their emotions. You are willing to look inwardly and be aware of how your behavior affects your partner, and to take steps to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

This includes listening to their concerns, being open to feedback, and communicating openly and honestly. By taking responsibility for your actions, you create a space where your loved one feels heard and respected and can work together to build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Remember, taking responsibility is not about placing blame or pointing fingers, but about owning up to your mistakes and showing your partner that you are committed to their happiness and well-being.

I’d love to share a blog I wrote recently on the entire subject of taking responsibility. You can get it by clicking here: Or you may like to watch the video version here.

How to Apologize Sincerely and Effectively

We’ve all been there – the moment when we realize that we’ve messed up! Maybe you’ve said something hurtful, forgotten an important occasion, or simply acted in a way that was out of character. Regardless of the specific situation, one thing is clear: an apology is needed!

But how do you apologize in a way that is both sincere and effective? The key lies in understanding that a genuine apology is not just about saying the words “I’m sorry,” it’s about acknowledging your actions, showing your partner that you understand why they were hurt, and showing empathy for their feelings.

So how do you make your apology sincere and effective and increase the chances of it being received by the other person? Start by taking a deep breath and owning up to your mistake. Avoid making excuses or shifting the blame onto your partner. Instead, focus on expressing how sorry you are and what steps you’ll take to prevent it from happening again.

Remember to listen actively to their feelings and concerns, and be patient if they need time to process the apology. By showing empathy and taking accountability, you’ll be on the path to repairing any damage and more importantly creating a safe and solid environment for the relationship to thrive.

The Role of Compromise in Conflict Resolution

Conflict is as normal to relationships as ducks are to water and disagreements are bound to arise. However, what sets successful relationships apart from those that crumble under the weight of discord is the ability to compromise.

Compromise is not a sign of weakness, as some may believe. Rather, it is a sign of strength and humility. When you compromise, you acknowledge that your needs and desires are not the only ones that matter, and you open yourself up to the possibility of finding common ground.

Compromise can be difficult, especially when you feel strongly about a particular issue. It can be tempting to dig in your heels and refuse to budge, but this often leads to a stalemate that can damage relationships beyond repair.

The key to successful compromise is to approach the situation with an open mind and a willingness to listen to the other person’s perspective.

By doing so, you not only increase the likelihood of finding a solution that works for everyone involved, but you also demonstrate a level of respect and empathy that can strengthen the bond of any relationship. When both parties are willing to compromise, it shows that they value the relationship enough to put their own needs aside for the greater good.

Remember that compromise, even though it may seem challenging, is a sign of strength rather than weakness. It reflects your maturity and personal development, and it speaks volumes about your humanity.

As we’ve discovered, fighting is a natural and inevitable part of a relationship. Fighting fair means communicating your feelings and needs in a respectful and non-threatening way, actively listening to your partner’s perspective, and working together to find a mutually beneficial solution. It’s important to avoid blaming, name-calling, or bringing up past issues during an argument, as these behaviors are almost guaranteed to can escalate the conflict. This is where the concept of fighting fair comes into play.

Let’s look at some tips and strategies for approaching conflict with kindness and fairness, as well as cultivating a strong foundation outside of conflict that can be useful when conflicts do occur.

6 Tips for Fighting Fair in Relationships

1. Start with a positive attitude

Rather than assuming the worst and letting your emotions take over, approaching a conflict with a positive mindset, sets the stage for a healthy and productive discussion. A positive attitude allows you to stay open-minded, listen to your partner’s perspective, and find common ground to work toward a solution. Remember, conflicts are not a sign of a weak relationship but a sign of two people who care enough to work through their differences. So, put on your positivity hat, take a deep breath, and work toward the love story of your dreams. Your relationship (and your mental health) will thank you for it.

2. Listen to your partner

Listening is not just about hearing words, it’s also about tuning into the emotions and unspoken messages behind them. Sometimes, your partner may not directly express how they feel or what they need, and that’s where the art of listening comes in.

When your partner is sharing something with you, try to tune into their inner voice. What is their heart saying? What emotions are they experiencing? It may take some practice, but with time, you’ll be able to understand your partner on a deeper level.

When your significant other is speaking, try to give them the full stage. Suspend your own needs in the moment and let them express themselves fully without interruption. By doing so, you create a safe space for your partner to bear his heart and soul. You open up the opportunity to not only gain new knowledge but also to receive the same level of listening when the need is reversed. This is the beauty of attentive listening.

3. Be honest

The argument begins to heat up and you start to hold back the rising tide of frustration and anger. But that’s a mistake. Trying to suppress your emotions and put on a facade of false calmness is like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. Sooner or later, it’s going to pop up, and you’ll be left with a mess to clean up.

The truth is, honesty is key to getting you out of a fight. It may be uncomfortable to confront your feelings head-on, but in the long run, it’s the only way to truly resolve the issue and move forward. So take a moment, and speak your truth. Be thoughtful in your delivery. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel when you’re being true to yourself, warts and all and you’re not holding back.

4. Take a break

Intense arguments can leave both partners feeling overwhelmed and angry. In those moments, it can be tempting to lash out and say things you don’t mean, but taking a break can be the difference between a temporary spat and a long-term rift. It’s okay to take a break.

Go for a walk and let the fresh air clear your mind, listen to some music and let the rhythm soothe your soul, or do something else entirely that will help you calm down and regain your composure. You owe it to yourself and your partner to approach the discussion with a clear head and an open heart.

Taking a break isn’t just about walking away from a fight, it’s about prioritizing your mental health and well-being. It’s about acknowledging that sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself and your relationship is to take a step back and recharge your batteries. Focus on regaining your inner peace. Remember, your relationship is only as strong as the individuals in it. Take a pause and nurture yourself.

You’ll find even more helpful suggestions in this article about the value of taking time out amid conflict.

5. Respect your partner’s feelings

No matter how turbulent things may become if you remember nothing else remember respect. Respect is key. When you’re in a relationship, it’s crucial to acknowledge and honor your partner’s feelings, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. After all, emotions are a fundamental part of who we are, and belittling or making them feel bad about themselves is cruel and can be incredibly hurtful.

The next time you find yourself at odds with your significant other, focus on the rhythm of your breath and use it as an anchor for staying present and in control. It will serve as a gentle reminder to approach the situation with kindness, empathy, and respect.

Click here to learn more about reflective practices such as Mindfulness, which can bring about positive changes not only in your mental wellness but also in your relationships.

6. Come back together and talk

Relationships are a lot like a rollercoaster ride – they have their ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes they can make you feel sick to your stomach! But when you’re in a committed relationship, it’s important to remember that the ride is worth it.

You’ve had some time to cool down, now it’s time to come back together to talk it out. It may not be the most comfortable conversation you’ll ever have, but it’s a necessary one. Maybe you need to hash out some details, clarify some miscommunications, or just apologize and move forward.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to remember that communication is a fundamental trait of a healthy bond. When you work together to resolve your issues in a way that works for both of you, you’ll come out on the other side stronger and more connected than ever.

The Right Tools!

Being in a relationship is like being on a thrilling expedition through a wild and rugged landscape. Sure, love may be everlasting and the relationships precious, but without the right tools in your backpack, you could easily get lost or stuck in a rocky patch

Whether it’s communication, conflict resolution, or simply knowing how to show your partner you care, honing your relationship skills is key to making the most of your adventure together.

Although conflict is inevitable it doesn’t have to be a negative force. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article you and your partner can turn conflict into opportunities for growth, understanding, and deeper trust and intimacy.

Remember to listen actively, communicate clearly, stay focused on the issue at hand, take breaks when necessary, and always strive to find common ground. And above all, approach every conflict with compassion, kindness, and a willingness to learn and grow together. With these tools and attitudes, you can create a relationship built on a foundation of love, respect, and mutual understanding that can weather any storm that comes your way. By mastering the art of fighting fair your relationship is destined to thrive!

Let’s Do This Together! ❤️

As a Couples Coach, I work collaboratively with couples to help them develop stronger communication skills, deeper empathy, and a more intimate connection. I believe in creating a safe and supportive space where couples can explore their relationship challenges and discover new ways to grow together. My approach is both practical and empathetic, drawing on a range of proven techniques and strategies to meet each couple’s unique needs. Together, we can build a foundation for a fulfilling and lasting relationship. Schedule a FREE, one-on-one, ‘Couple’s Relationship Strategy Session, with me today! 😊

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! I hope you found it informative. Remember, sharing is caring, so if you think someone you know could benefit from this information, don’t hesitate to pass it along.

If you’d like to stay up to date with my latest musings, be sure to sign up for my Free Report (with free relationship assessment inside). Connect with me on social media, I’m always sharing new and exciting content that I think you’ll find inspiring and thought-provoking.

Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to connecting with you soon! ❤️

With Grace and Gratitude

Michelle Williams
Michelle Williams

Life and Couples Coach

I love hearing from you, let’s connect on Social Media.


I work with couples over 40 in stagnant and stress-filled relationships to create a deeply meaningful and intimate connection. Using science-based tools and skill-building techniques I can help you improve communication, expand understanding, strengthen friendship and experience each other in a full and satisfying way.

Schedule your FREE session with me today!  

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