There's no better time to go after your dreams!Fifty is the new FABULOUS.

Getting older is an adventure and the best time ever to make your dreams come true.
You’ve dedicated most of your life to your job, your career, your spouse, the home, and of course your kids who have finally flown the nest. You’ve taken care of everything and everyone else and now it’s time to take care of you. But maybe you don’t know-how. Being preoccupied with all the demands of life, you’ve forgotten what your own needs look like. You’ve neglected your health and sense of who you are. Lost touch with the things that made you smile and morphed into someone you don’t quite recognize in the mirror. If this sounds familiar, then my fifty and fabulous program is for you! I’ve seen too many women reach this stage of life feeling disappointed, disillusioned, lonely, lost, worn out, scared, regretful, isolated, unhappy, unhealthy, unworthy, unfulfilled, and go from one day to the next with no real sense of happiness, joy or true meaning. That makes me feel terribly sad and so I developed this program because I want to see you Living The Life Likes It’s Golden!
Fifty and Fabulous is a thorough and thoughtful 15-week Coaching Program that puts you front and center of the world you want to create for yourself. It is jammed packed with tools that support self-care, holistic health, and life balance. We’ll take a journey of self-discovery to help you remember what makes you smile so that you can rekindle and reclaim your dreams. We’ll look at your values and what’s important to you and set goals to add more meaning and purpose to your life. I want to explore what makes you feel sexy, sensual, feminine, fantastic, and free so we can open the door to more pleasure, fun, and laughter.
Part 1 Taking a Deep Dive
In the first few sessions, we’ll ask: Who are you? What makes you, uniquely you? What is most important to you in life? What are your personal values? Your values influence what we do, how we think, and how we feel about the world around us. We’ll explore your inner critic or judge, a.k.a. your gremlin and its impact on your thinking and interpretations which may shed some light on your ideas about food, health, relationships with yourself and others, self-care, and other areas of your life.
Part 2 Get Out of Your Own Way!
When you know better, you do better. In the following session, I’ll challenge you to look at self-sabotaging beliefs that may be holding you back or stopping you from living a FABULOUS life. What is the relationship between your choices and outcomes? One of the exercises I use is called ‘Expand Your Mind’ based on the Cartesian model which helps you give full consideration to your goals or decisions.
Part 3 Go Baby Go!
This is where we light up the fire! We’ll start crafting out the life you want for yourself and rightfully deserve. The last few steps of the program are all about doing. We won’t just be looking at your ‘timewasters’, ‘productivity’, to-do’s’, goals, ‘letting go,’ ‘motivators, etc. You’re going to be proactive in plucking out what’s not working and install what will work for fundamental and lasting change. Break free of the labels and limitations that have burdened you and stopped you from being FABULOUS. Live your dreams and enjoy the fullness of life because life really does begin at fifty! Sign up and let’s start working together today!
What Next?
Let’s get this show on the road!
Coaching is a serious commitment so before we get going kindly take a few minutes to click through to the pages below.
We all have our own individual styles, distinct personality, fundamental values, and unique way of showing up in the world. Coaching is about client and coach working together in close partnership toward the same end. Read ‘About Me’ to see if we’re a good match.
I love nothing more than Coaching and my heart’s desire is to see you succeed. However, Coaching is not for everyone because it involves some heavy lifting and a serious commitment. Clicking the link should help you decide if ‘Coaching Is Right For You.’
You’re all set and ready to go. Simply schedule a FREE 30-minute Strategy Session with me today! I’ll help you identify your stumbling blocks and create an Action Plan to begin unraveling your issues or concerns. Your safety and dignity are always my priority!