COACHING CAN BE TRANSFORMATIONAL IF YOU ARE WILLING TO PUT IN THE WORKWe all have an inherent need to grow and connect with life in a meaningful way. Human flourishing is not a given rather it’s a continuous process of skill-building and self-work. Investing in the work required for change can yield remarkable results. Think you’re ready?
Change is a beautiful thing. Schedule a FREE one-on-one, ‘Life Strategy’ Session with me today!
I work with people over forty who feel disempowered, stagnant, and unfulfilled but long for more out of life. I work with you to create more joy and meaning and to live with a deeper and more authentic sense of who you are. As we work together, I’ll help you identify and your needs and wants and develop an Action Plan to move you forward toward success, as you define it.
Where You Are Now
Where You Would Like To Be
You are about to undertake a life-changing journey and explore new places, and new possibilities. A rich adventure that provides a wider vision of your current situation but which may also uncover some truths, reveal vulnerabilities and interrupt your safe and familiar world. The process will take you on a deep inner dive, challenge what you know, and stretch you beyond the confines of your comfort zone.
Life Coaching is truly a transformative process that can give you the tools to navigate significant life events and help you sail through life with resilience and ease. But some heavy lifting may be involved and unless you’re ready, open, committed, and fully engaged, you won’t reap the rewards and gain the full value of my coaching program.
This page is designed to determine your readiness for coaching. By answering yes to the questions below, you are one step closer to unlocking your fullest potential and unleashing your best self. As your Life Coach, I’m your biggest cheerleader and support you all the way!
Are you willing to commit to the process? Yes/No
Are you completely, entirely, without hesitation ready to dedicate time, engagement, and effort and come to each session with a ready and willing attitude?
Are you willing to make changes to support your goals? Yes/No
The first stage of change is awareness. Once awareness is awakened within, are you ready to implement action steps to create the change necessary to support your desired goals and outcomes?
Are you willing to explore new ideas and thinking and have limiting beliefs and perceptions challenged? Yes/No
Sometimes coaching involves interrupting unhealthy thought patterns and taking a soul-searching journey of truth. How open are you to explore, blocks, procrastination, negative self-talk, and other issues that may be holding you back?
Even if you think you’re dead right about how things are or how you think they should be, are you open to new ideas that support a growth-oriented mindset?
Are you willing to take personal responsibility for behavior that may be self-sabotaging? Yes/No
If you are constantly pointing the finger at others, blaming your circumstances, playing the victim, rationalizing, minimizing, justifying, denying, and not willing to take personal responsibility or to look at what you have contributed to the failures of your own life, Life Coaching will not be a good fit.
Are you willing to reveal the truth, learn from it, and take action? Yes/No
Being open to exploring your own short-coming and limitations. Accurately assess areas you can do better or more of, what is working well and what to let go of. Your strengths, as well as your weaknesses, all contribute to a deeper understanding of self, which is the cornerstone of personal growth and a beautiful inner life.
Being held accountable is a crucial component of achieving your goals and moving your life forward. If you’re doing what you say, great you’re on track. but if not, a good Life Coach will hold you accountable.
Are you well-functioning, intelligent with a desire to realize our best? Yes/No
If you function reasonably well in the world in terms of your job, finances, family, socially, your mental and physical health. If you understand concepts, have no major internal obstacles to self-direction. No adverse issues with sleeping, eating, self-care, moods, relationships, work productivity, and so on. You can articulate feelings, thoughts, behavior, and have a vision of hope for your life, you are an ideal candidate for coaching!
You’ve read my ABOUT ME page and can’t wait to get going! Simply click the button below to schedule your FREE one-on-one 30-minute ‘Life Strategy’ Session. See you on the other side!
Coaching is NOT a substitute for therapy. I do not treat or diagnose mental illness or deal with issues of a deep emotional nature. Coaching is focused on helping you gain clarity, challenging limiting beliefs that may be holding you back and getting you to where you want to be next.
Enjoy some FREE Coaching Resources!